Sunday 2 December 2012

The Reasons Why We Travel Alone?

What do I like about traveling alone? Freedom! Freedom to spend the entire day .

We know that not only is solo travel not for everyone. So I wanted to share an overview of why you might want to give solo travel a try.

                       He's unaware of- I took his behind Stolen Shot
A Solo Traveler,  Sagada Mountain Province Philppines.

“Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” – Francis Bacon
What is the first thing we want to out loud when you hear the term “solo travel,”? you might interpret that to mean “all by yourself, all the time, always alone” – but not necessarily mean that your sad when traveling alone but seeing the world makes you worth could be further from the truth. Unless you’re planning some kind of vision quest where your goal is to get away from all other entities, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet up the locals or with other travelers from other foreign countries at any point during your journey. The fact is that solo travelers often have an easier time of meeting other human creature – locals and visitors alike – than people who travel in groups. Why is this? Well, a solo traveler is much more approachable and far less pressuring than a pair or a group that’s already got their own thing going. Of course, if you’re going on a trip by yourself because you want to be by yourself, that’s great – it’s your trip, after all, you can do it however you want to do it. But anytime you want to come out of that frame and have someone else to comrade around with, all you need to do is open yourself to the experience. Choosing when you want to have a travel mate (and when you don’t) gives you tons of flexibility – it lets you bum around with a new friend for awhile if your travel styles and itineraries mesh, and it also lets you say goodbye to your new friend when you’re in the mood for some alone time again.

Reasons we think solo travel is good:
  1. Enjoy your complete Freedom – Traveling alone allows you to be the “Master Of Your Own Destiny.” It is an experience of ultimate freedom. You can choose to satisfy your every desire or indulgence. You can taste-test an array of cuisines from the local market without someone crinkling their nose in disgust; and alternatively you won’t have anyone forcing you to eat anything you would rather not try. You get to set the itinerary, and then you get to ditch the itinerary.
  2. Challenge Yourself- With only a backpack for company, traveling alone is one of the greatest yet most rewarding challenges you can choose to take on. It forces you to be confident in your choices. Every decision is based upon your own sense of self-belief. There is no one to seek counsel or rely on, and so trusting your own intuition becomes a necessary survival skill. It is precisely these challenges that make you stronger. You are responsible to no one but yourself.
  3. Meeting new friends? You’ll have all the new friends and meet the locals you could ever want. You can choose people and hang out with your same frequency level.
  4. You will learn about other people, sure, but you’ll also learn a ton of stuff about yourself.
  5. You’re free to try something new anytime you want without having to coerce a travel companion into doing it, too. And then you’re free to do it again because the first time was so amazing.
  6. Attain Deeper Insights- Risk is always a factor when traveling. However, oftentimes there is greater danger to a group of unprepared travelers than a single prepared one. Loneliness is unavoidable. Even so, I have found that the quiet solitude of solo travel has led to my deepest insights about my own nature and the realities of others. The sensation of being connected in a world and Living nature and varied leaves you humbled and filled with gratitude. The solo traveler can revel in the the long-lost freedom of becoming ‘one’ with the nature. 
  7. Achievement - We return from home and transformed to a new perception to the world. People may say that you are no longer you but different person with a new perception. In every trip enriches you.
  8. Without a travel companion to answer to, you’re free to accept last-minute or spontaneous offers and opportunities that come along.
  9. You may be more introspective and observational – which may result in all kinds of interesting insights about yourself and the world around you.
  10. You’ll get to embellish your travel tales all you want when you’re talking to friends and family back home, because there’s no one to check the facts.
Things Do You Always Pack?
  1. Protein bars so I'm never hungry during journey..
  2. A neck pillow
  3. A Sweater or Jacket for Cold weather days.
  4. A credit card. If I fall asleep on and "lose" my luggage, I can still get back to my country.
  5. Slip on Shoes
  6. Iphone/ Mobile Phones for easily to contact Home.
  7. Most Especially Sunblock for sunscreen protection during sunny days

 "Pack the bag - Light"

Travel Solo. We could go on and on… Spread your wings and soar above and beyond your greatest hopes and dreams. Every solo traveler has their own reasons for going it alone – what’s yours? You know, there’s only one way to find out…

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